Why do you need to stop doing everything on your business: Start delegating to start growing

The hustle is real, you guys.

We get it: you're the business owner and CEO, and the thought of delegating tasks to others makes your stomach turn. After all, delegating means trusting your team with your vision, and you would never trust just anyone with something so important!

But there comes a time in every growing business when you have to start letting go of some things so that you can move forward. And that time is now.

What are you most concerned about delegating? Chances are, it's one of these three things:

  1. You're not sure if your team members can do the job as well as you can—and you don't want to lose out on quality that could affect your company's reputation

  2. You don't want to give up control of an important task

  3. You don't want to pay for someone else's expertise

We're here to tell you that none of these reasons should stop you from delegating. Especially if it's a task that doesn't require a ton of creativity or skill—and especially if it's a task that will takeup way more time and energy than it needs to in order for you to accomplish what matters most to your company right now. Sure, it's easy to do everything yourself—and it feels good when you succeed! But I want to let you know that there are some ways you could really start growing your business by delegating. Let me tell you why.

  • It's hard to get a grasp on everything at once. I know how much time and energy it takes to run your business, but the truth is, if you try to do everything yourself, you'll never be able to see the forest for the trees. By hiring an assistant, say, or outsourcing certain functions of your business, you can free up time and energy to focus on what matters most.

  • Delegating means more time for new projects and bigger dreams. If you can't dream about a huge new project because all your time is spent doing work no one else wants to do, why not hire someone who will do that work for you so that you can do what you want? Like tackling a new project? Or expand into a new market? Or just relax a little more? I know we all have big dreams... Why not give them a chance?

  • When you delegate, you know the work is getting done effectively, efficiently, and according to a timeline that makes sense for you. You can focus on that which only YOU are uniquely qualified to do, and leave the rest of it in the hands of an expert who will get the job done right.

It's pretty simple: when you let a professional handle some of your company's day-to-day tasks and operations, you have more time to focus on building your business.

So, how do you delegate tasks?

  1. Identify what needs help. What part of your business could benefit from more hands? Do you hate collecting payments? Can't keep up with customer service questions? Is your social media presence non-existent? Whatever it is, identify ways that delegating could fix the problem and make sure that it's not just because you don't want to do certain things anymore. You can probably think of at least 10 things you hate doing. Start there!

  2. Make sure you have the right people for the job: When delegating tasks, make sure you have people who are capable of completing the task and that you trust them to do so.

  3. Set goals and deadlines: It's easy to get caught up in micro-managing when you're delegating tasks; it's important to set goals and deadlines so that others know what they should be working towards.

  4. Hold regular check-ins: If someone is assigned a task, hold regular check-ins with that person to keep tabs on their progress and ensure they're on track to meet your goals.

  5. Give constructive feedback as necessary: It's important to provide feedback regularly when delegating tasks so that others know how they're doing and can improve their performance over time.

You would be amazed at how much more you can accomplish when you are no longer distracted by all the little tasks that bog you down. Fixing a website, writing copy, designing logos and doing PR. You can focus on the things that actually make your business grow. Delegating is something anyone in business should seriously consider especially if you are working solo.

It's time to bring more structure to your business and delegate tasks so you can continue to develop new things. You may not be an expert at everything, but there are a lot of people out there who are. Utilizing their services is the key to growing your business now and into the future.

Janelle Cardozo

Janelle Cardozo has been working as a digital marketer for the past five years and has helped numerous B2B and B2C e-Commerce companies with their content, ads and social media needs needs. She’s the CEO and Founder of Fronta Digital Agency. She also helps aspiring digital marketers break into the business.


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