The Unspoken Truth: Writing for Passion vs. Profit

Hot take incoming, writers. Buckle up.

You, me, all of us – we didn’t stumble into this writing gig out of nowhere. It was that spark, that flame of passion that got us typing away in the first place. And it begs a question, doesn’t it?

Do you write for yourself? Or do you write for money?

If you answered the former, you're doing just fine. You're clutching that ember that made you fall in love with the craft. But if you answered the latter, it's time we had a candid chat.

Don't get it twisted, though. This isn't a sermon on the evils of profit.

I get it. We have bills to pay, dreams to fund, and let's face it, the siren call of the six-figure-copywriter lifestyle is nothing short of alluring. But when the balance tilts too far towards writing for money, we risk turning our beloved craft into a factory line, churning out content void of passion, originality, or heart.

So, how do we navigate this tightrope? How do we maintain our artistic integrity and still enjoy the fruits of our labor?

1. Never Forget Your 'Why'

Remember the first time you held your published piece? That heady mixture of pride, satisfaction, and maybe a bit of disbelief? That's your 'why'. Never let the allure of profit overshadow that feeling.

2. Quality Over Quantity, Always

Don't be the writer who churns out fluff pieces quicker than a fast-food joint. Strive for quality, not just in your work but in your work ethic. Your readers, and your bank account, will thank you.

3. Continuous Learning

Our craft is evolving faster than ever. SEO, keywords, meta-tags – these aren't just buzzwords. They are the future. Equip yourself with these tools, and you’ll stay ahead of the curve without losing your authentic voice.

4. Network Smart

Don’t just connect with people who can give you gigs. Reach out to fellow writers, join online forums, attend workshops. Inspiration comes from the unlikeliest of places.

5. Write for Yourself

Sure, your client might want an article on the '10 Best Tax Software for Small Businesses,' and while that's paying your bills, make sure you're also writing for yourself. A poem, a diary entry, a blog post about your love for 90s hip-hop – whatever keeps that spark alive.

And there you have it.

Profit isn't a dirty word. But in the pursuit of it, don't lose sight of your passion. The world needs your words, your stories, and your perspectives. So, write with passion, write with purpose, and yes, write for profit – but do it on your terms.

Remember, a writer who is in touch with their passion is more than a writer. They're a storyteller. And storytellers, my friends, are irreplaceable.

Janelle Cardozo

Janelle Cardozo has been working as a digital marketer for the past five years and has helped numerous B2B and B2C e-Commerce companies with their content, ads and social media needs needs. She’s the CEO and Founder of Fronta Digital Agency. She also helps aspiring digital marketers break into the business.

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